Typically, we only require a full appraisal and termite inspection on each USDA Home Loan.
However, if the property has a water well as its main water source, a well water test will be required.
Description of Inspections:
- The Appraisal is a inspection that is done to determine the market value of the home. Typically, this ranges in costs from $450-$500 depending on your area. The appraisal department will select the appraiser.
- The Termite Inspection is an inspection that is done to determine if there are any wood destroying insects present. Typically, this ranges in costs from $75-$125 depending on your area. You can select any termite inspector you wish to use and pay the fee directly to them.
- The Well Water Test is a chemical and bacteria test done on the well water to ensure water is safe for drinking. This is administered by a local water testing facility and the fee is paid directly to them.
*Additional inspections may be required.